Switchfoot 3 Album Collection (Audio - CD)

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Dieses Produkt enthält die drei kompletten Alben "Learning To Breathe" , "New Way To Be Human" und "The Legend Of Chin" von "Switchfoot".

  • Artikel-Nr.: 095000495
  • Verlag: Sparrow
  • Originaltitel: Switchfoot 3 Album Collection
19,99 €
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Inkl. 19% MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten


  • Artikel-Nr.: 095000495
  • Verlag: Sparrow
  • Originaltitel: Switchfoot 3 Album Collection



    EAN: 0602537827411
  • Erschienen am: 19.08.2014
  • Seitenzahl: 22 S. Booklet gesamt
  • Gewicht: 280g
  • Sachgebiet: Rock
  • Spielzeit: 1 Stunde 58 Minuten

  • Enthält die Alben "Learning To Breathe", "New Way To Be Human" und "The Legend Of Chin"


CD 1
1. i dare you to move [learning to breathe]
2. learning to breathe [learning to breathe]
3. you already take me there [learning to breathe]
4. love is the movement [learning to breathe]
5. poparazzi [learning to breathe]
6. innocence again [learning to breathe]
7. playing for keeps [learning to breathe]
8. the loser [learning to breathe]
9. the economy of mercy [learning to breathe]
10. erosion [learning to breathe]
11. living is simple [learning to breathe]
CD 2
1. new way to be human [new way to be human]
2. incomplete [new way to be human]
3. sooner or later soren's song [new way to be human]
4. company car [new way to be human]
5. let that be enough [new way to be human]
6. something more augustine's confession [new way to be hu
7. only hope [new way to be human]
8. amy's song [new way to be human]
9. i turn everything over [new way to be human]
10. under the floor [new way to be human]
CD 3
1. bomb [the legend of chin]
2. chem 6a [the legend of chin]
3. underwater [the legend of chin]
4. edge of my seat [the legend of chin]
5. home [the legend of chin]
6. might have ben hur [the legend of chin]
7. concrete girl [the legend of chin]
8. life and love and why [the legend of chin]
9. you [the legend of chin]
10. ode to chin [the legend of chin]
11. don't be there [the legend of chin]


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